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What is Panchakarma - Poorva Karma?

Poorvakarma is done before main/pradhan karma procedures. It is an important preoperatine procedure. It protects body tissues/Dhatus, organs. Poorva Karma includes Snehan and Swedan.

Snehan Karma

Application of medicated oils, ghritas on whole body or a painful area in a systematic manner is called as snehan. It is a scientific method of Abhyanga.

Benefits of Snehan

  1. Application of oil over skin, pacifies vaat dosha.
  2. Application of oil improves blood circulation.
  3. It separates toxins from body tissues and brings them in circulation for elimination.

Swedan Karma

Swedan means dry or wet fomentation or heat therapy. Different types of fomentations are possible. These include steambath, sitting or sleeping in a specially prepared wooden sweat box, valuka pottali etc. Variations like swedan for whole body (below the neck), for the diseased part of the body (local steam), according to the need of the patient can be done.